Monday, February 4, 2008


You started out as a tiny seed,
In mother Earth's womb,
You became a part of the world in that moment,
Once you poked your little head out of the ground,
You hoped and prayed they'de let you grow,
Into a big strong tree,
And not yank you out like a weed,
As you kept growing you began to realize,
That life isn't full of bugs and butterflies,
There is love,
And there is hate,
There are times of peace,
And times of war,
As each ring of your life grew,
You got bigger and bigger,
Eventually you got so large,
That you thought you were untouchable,
But you wern't,
They scratched and carved you,
They choped off your branches,
They tried to restrict you,
But you kept growing,
They couldn't stop you,
Eventually they gave up,
And just let you be you,
Those were happy times,
Eventually you became old,
Your leaves started to fall for the last time,
Now you are an empty reminder of what you once were,

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