Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

Today is the 6th aniversary of the day that the plains crashed into the twin towers. I was in third grade when it happened. I dont really remember much except being really confused. I remember thinking "How could somebody do something like that!" I think that was the day when I realized that the world isnt just milk and cookies. Over the years I have realized that I never really knew what happend that day. I never realized all the horrible things that happend. I just thought that it was somebody crashing planes into buildings on purpose. At the time I didnt really realize that there were peoples lives in the mix.
Since I was so young when it happened I didnt really get it. It has never really seemed real to me. I know it happened but It seems more like a dream instead of the real thing. If I were there I think it might have plaid a bigger role in my life, but it just kindof happend.
I also think that this day should get a name other than 9-11 because it dosnt do the event justice. Even though its fitting because 9-1-1 is the number you call when you are in trouble, 9-11 is the day that this horrible event happend. The name just dosnt strike a note in my memory.

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