Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Half a Day

Today we only have half a day of school, we get out at 1:00 instead of 3:00. :D Im probably going to go home and sleep, or do homework. I just got my progress report from Mr. Dubois (the teacher I have right now) I got a 95.6 average. Wooooooo!!! Thats an A. I did good!! All my other classes I got A's and B's. Ok well im really tired so im gonna stop typeing now. Bye!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today is tuesday. Woooooo!!!!!! Have you ever noticed how incredibly boring tuesdays are? Nothing ever happens on Tuesday! Grrrrr! Im gonna tell you what happend yesterday because I didnt tell you yesterday.
Yesterday morning when I was coming back downstairs after getting my crap out of my locker, i herd sombody playing the guitar. It was Josh, yall dont know him but hes a really awesome guy. He is really really good at playing his guitar. He let me sit next to him and listen to him while he was playing a new song that he just wrote. I hope he will be there again today!!! :D

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What I Did All Day Today

I worked on this collage all day today its not that good but hey it was my first real try at it.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Wooooo!!!! Hedersonville High wins another game. Its becoming quite a routine lately! I cant remember what the score was though, but I do know we won by alot.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Friend Robby.........

I don't know him very well but he is still my friend. This morning I found out that one of my friends tried to kill himself last night around 8 o-clock. Apparently he was really depressed. His name is Robby. He is in the hospital right now. He has many friends. His girlfriend is really depressed. I don't think I will ever understand why people try to kill themselves, but it happens, I just have to learn to accept it and try to help those who get to that point. But the thing is Robby tried to hide that he was that depressed. If you ever get to the point where you are considering suicide, you should call somebody. Tell them that you need to talk to somebody. Don't try to hide it. Without you the world would be deprived of your influence in it. You do matter, somebody does care, all you have to do is call. Life is a precious gift, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes, it doesn't mean it should be over.

Good Morning World!!

Good morning, it is 6:55 a.m. right now and I am getting ready for school. I havnt posted in a couple of days so I thought I might this morning. :D My mom just got me some new eyeliner last night and when i put it on this morning i found out that it is gray! but thats ok! My stomach is screaming FEED ME right now so i must go. ta ta for now!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ive Got A Cold

Uggggg... I hate it when im sick. My eyes hurt because I supposedly am getting sinus headaches. My head feels all cloudy. And Im really tired. Being sick sucks!!! I cant think straight.
It seems as if everybody is sick. The girl sitting next to me says she is sick to. She thinks she got it from her boyfriend. All of my friends feel sucky today. Grrrrrr!! I hate cold season!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

East Beat Us.....

We got beat. Our high school had a football game tonight it was an away game. It was supposed to be yesterday but it got rained out so they rescedualed it for tonight. The band didnt get to play so we lost. Its kinda like karma every time marching band is there we win! but tonight we lost. 21-20 it wasnt that bad though. It was only one point.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Goodness I despise the rain!!! I had to walk to school this morning and it was pooring! I could have gotten a ride but it is a waist of gas to drive a car 1 block. I hope the rain dosn't kill our chance to go to the football game tonight. I have to go class is almost over BYE!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today is thursday. Wooo hoooo!!!! Have you ever noticed how boring Thursdays are? So are Tuesdays. Nothing interesting ever happens on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I found out that in high school Thursday is the day that all the teachers decide to give tests. Woooo!!! I dont know about you but I would rather have them on thursdays. Friday is a special day it shouldnt be ruined by boring and usless tests that are way to easey.
In my computers class that I am in right now I just finished a really easy test. It was so easy that I finished it in about 1 min. GRRRRRR!!! I hate tests! They make me sleepy!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Soooo Bored

For once I dont have marching band after school. Only on wensdays though. After school I walk straight to church. And then I do my homework. Sounds fun eh? Not. Ok im to bored to keep typing so bub bye.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

Today is the 6th aniversary of the day that the plains crashed into the twin towers. I was in third grade when it happened. I dont really remember much except being really confused. I remember thinking "How could somebody do something like that!" I think that was the day when I realized that the world isnt just milk and cookies. Over the years I have realized that I never really knew what happend that day. I never realized all the horrible things that happend. I just thought that it was somebody crashing planes into buildings on purpose. At the time I didnt really realize that there were peoples lives in the mix.
Since I was so young when it happened I didnt really get it. It has never really seemed real to me. I know it happened but It seems more like a dream instead of the real thing. If I were there I think it might have plaid a bigger role in my life, but it just kindof happend.
I also think that this day should get a name other than 9-11 because it dosnt do the event justice. Even though its fitting because 9-1-1 is the number you call when you are in trouble, 9-11 is the day that this horrible event happend. The name just dosnt strike a note in my memory.


Yesterday was horible!!! I had a MAJOR headache all day, and we had to march, it was really hot outside. Today is hopefully going to be better.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Ok im sitting im my computers class and im really really bored. I finished all the work i have to do so I can pretty much do anything i want. lalalalala. ok im to bored to keep typing so bye.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dads House

Im at my dads right now. I couldnt sleep last night so im really tired. I have to go to church with my grandma in a couple of hours. Today is raley day, raley day is the day when people move up into higher classes. Im moving up into the high school class. After church Carter ( the youth director) is taking all the high schoolers out to lunch, sounds like fun huh? Yeah well woooo hoo.......
I have been in a pretty bad shape this week cause of my family. I miss my dad, even though i see him every day, he comes to take my bro and sis to school in the morning. I dont get to see him as much. And my mom has been having a really hard time lately. I just wish i could make everything better.
Its 7:09 right now. I should probably start getting dressed for church but im too bored to get up from my chair.
I have also been feeling really worthless. I cant do anything because of my sholder. I have a joint disorder, it makes all my joints really loose and i cant do much anymore. Im not allowed to lift anything over 25 lb. It really sucks when everybody else is helping out and i cant do anything. I feel so horrible, i hate explaining things to people. But every time sombody wonders why Im not helping i have to explain why. I hate it!! I just wish it would go away... But it wont.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Game!!!!!!

WE WON!!!!!!!!!!! 53-3!!! We beet them by 50 points!! i played the fight song so many times tonight that my lips are compleatly numb! I am really really tired though so im going to bed now! goodnight al!!

High School

Ok I just started high school a week ago. It has been pretty good so far! Today is the third football game of the season and I am going to be playing at it since I am in marching band! We are going to do our half time show for the first time this year tonight! we have only got half of it down though. I cant wait!! I have had the fight song stuck in my head all day! Hopefully we win, even though we have won the past two games already!