Friday, November 9, 2007

Freedom is an expression of the soul!

Today is freedom day at my school. You are supposed to dress up in an outfit that represents freedom to you. My freedom theam is Freedom of expression. I enjoy espressing myself in many different ways.
Freedom has many different meenings. But FREEDOM is not free, people die every day for your freedom. In many countries around the world there is no freedom at all. Some countries take away all of your basic freedoms, they are the ones we take for granted here in the U S of A. You cant assemble in a public place, you cant talk freely about the government. Women have to cover there entire body except for there face, and when they go out in public they have to have there husbands with them. In some countries they have taken away your right to not have cruel and unusual punishment. If a women is pregnant and they break a rule the government has the right to force her to have an abortion. In some countries women have no rights, and if they get in trouble they get stoned, people will through rocks at them! To an american this seems horible, but this is how they live. They don't know what its like to be FREE.
All I am saying is that, freedom is not universal, be thankfull if you are free, and if you arnt, remember that there is always a safer place.

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