Sunday, July 19, 2009


I broke my foot playing in the street with my brother.  Apparently it is a Jones Fracture. It will be a while till its better. 

Everything is so much harder on crutches. I have to practically fall over when im trying to sit down. I cant go hiking with my boyfriend. I hate using the stairs. I cant carry anything. My siblings are too freaking lazy to help me carry things. Everything is just so dam hard. 

I went camping a couple of weeks ago and i was still using the crutches. It was pretty hard. I couldnt get to the bathroom without help. It was a long walk. I had to hold it alot. I also just had to sit there and watch everybody else have fun while I just sat there in my chair. I couldnt go swimming, which sucked because our campsite was right on the water. I love to swim. My boyfriend was with us so it wasnt too horid, but I did feel like I was holding him back from having fun because I had him hang out with me most of the time. When I took my first shower while camping, we had some really shitty trash bags. They had holes in them, I didnt realize that until after i took the shower and my cast got soaked... Even though it was hard i still had fun. 

I cant do anything while on crutches. I cant walk for long distances. Im constantly declining invitations to go do things with my family because its so hard for me to have fun when i cant walk. Today my boyfriend was over. He was invited by my sister to go play in the street with the water guns. I told him to go ahead because i thought i would have fun watching them. I couldnt have fun though, Its just sooo depressing watching people have fun doing things that I cant do. I also was a bit jealous that he wasnt hanging out with me. 

My arms are getting stronger with the crutches. But my left leg (the one with the cast) has like no muscle left on it at all. Im really worried because Marching Band camp starts in 3 weeks and I wont be able to walk. GRR I HATE CRUTCHES. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dwindling Morality

My sister is 11 years old. She has become subject to the dwindling moralities of society these days. I often find her wandering about in nothing but a pair of Sophies (cheerleading shorts) and the tightest shirt she can find. Its all in the music she listens to and the things she sees going on around her.

It has become a rather large problem with the kids younger than me. Every grade I count back the kids are getting worse. My brothers class has kids that are pregnant and doing waay too many drugs. He was in 8th grade. He is now a rising 9th grader. My neighbor's class has kids in it that are having sex. She was in 7th grade. Now a rising 8th grader. My sister's class is just horrible. They havn't quite gotten to the drugs and sex yet, but they are really bad for there age. My sister was in 5th grade. Now a rising 6th grader. She thought she was in love with this guy. When i was in 5th grade, that kind of thought never crossed my mind! There is so much drama in her class!! It just seems to get worse with the younger ages.

I think society has taken a downturn. Everything is become more advanced by the second. You have to be quick to keep up with it. It makes it hard for a kid just to keep there innocence what with the internet and the media fowling it. Every little thing a kid hears this day has some reference to sex or drugs. It is rare to find a song or a movie that dosn't have those things oozing from its very pores. Sex interests people, the media has found its nich. Sex sells! Everything has to do with being sexy or being pretty. I can see how it forms the way that my sister thinks. She dosnt know it but its obvious. The music she listens to is practically secretes sex from its every word. There is no innocence left. Now my sister is a preppy little cheerleader. So im not shure that im not completely bias in this situation. But all of her friends are the exact same way.

My hat comes off for people like Disney and Pixar for there amazing work at trying to keep the innocence alive in todays youth. I recently went to see Pixar's new movie UP, it was probably one of my most favorite movies ever. It glows with such a profound sense of childlike wonder, yet it still shows hardship. Just watching the movie gives me such hope for todays society. I am so proud that we still have at least one form of media that dosnt feel the urge to succumb to the world of sex. 

I don't want it to seem like i hate sex, it has its place. I just dislike intensely the fact that it is being thrust upon us at such a young age. People are always so unhappy. This country is falling apart. Much of our youth have lost that sense of wonder. It seems as if kids can't be kids anymore. Gone are the days when 5th graders like to go out and play tag or go to the park. They would rather sit at home and listen to music about going down, and double D's. Its severely depressing...